KeY Resources provides the “KeY project” with automatic background proofs. Such projects extends the functionality of a Java project by maintaining automatically proofs in background. This means that the tool tries to do proofs automatically whenever files in a project change. Markers are used to show the proof result directly in the source editor.
The following sections illustrate the main features of KeY Resources using screenshots. Each section contains numbered screenshots that explain a usage scenario step by step. Clicking on each picture produces a more detailed view. The screenshots may differ from the latest release.
KeY Resources is compatible with Eclipse Mars or newer.
Required update-sites and installation instructions are available in the download area.
Create a KeY Project

1. Open new project wizard via Package Explorer context menu item “New, Project…”

2. Select “KeY Project”

3. Define project name and finish the wizard
Work with a KeY Project

1. Edit source code as normal and save it

2. During build proofs are automatically executed and results are shown via marker

3. Proofs are automatically maintained in folder “proofs”

4. Tooltip of a marker explains the proof state and give hints how to continue

5. Proof files can be opend in KeY or the KeYIDE via a marker by selecting “Open proof” to inspect and finish the proof. In addition, a proof can be inspected in the SED via marker menu item “Debug proof”
Inspect verification status

3. Colors of tree items indicate verification statuses

4. HTML report lists tasks and assumptions used by proofs
Inspect verification log

1. Select main menu item “Window, Show View, Other…”

2. Open view “Verification Log”

3. Table shows used settings and times of performed verification tasks
Customize build settings

1. Open project properties of a KeY project via context menu item “Properties”.

2. Select properties page “KeY, KeY Proof Management” and customize build settings. E.g. enable counter example and test case generation.
Generated Test Cases

In addition, a test suite which executes all test cases is generated.
Inspect a counter example

Convert a Java Project into a KeY Project

after conversion.