REFINITY is a workbench for modeling and verifying Java-based program transformation rules. It is based on KeY and Abstract Execution. Here, we describe the user interface of REFINITY, how to specify program transformation rules with pre- and postconditions using the tool, and its file format. At the end of the document, you find helpful references / scientific publications (which can also be helpful).
This documentation is under ongoing development.
Last update: 2020-08-21.
REFINITY is an add-on to the KeY program prover. As of Aug 2020, it is available in the "AbstractExecution" branch of KeY. It is planned to merge it into the master branch until end 2020.
You can start REFINITY from within the graphical KeY user interface by pressing the big "REFINITY" button. If you do not see this button, check that you (1) use an up-to-date KeY version with Abstract Execution, and (2) the REFINITY extension is activated: In the GUI, choose Options > Show Settings > Extensions, check AE-Relational, apply and restart.
The REFINITY user interface consists mainly of two panes for Abstract Program Fragments (APFs), i.e., sequences of statements with Abstract Program Elements (APEs). An APE is either an Abstract Statement (AS) or an Abstract Expression (AExp).
On the left-hand side of the user interface, symbols used in the APFs can be declared: Program variables which can be used in both programs without declaration, abstract, set-valued specification variables for I/O specifications of APEs, and abstract function / predicate symbols that can primarily be used for specifying abstract abrupt completion behavior and abstract loop invariants.
The three compartments at the bottom serve to declare pre- and postconditions of the model.
Most GUI elements have brief tooltip help texts, so hover with the mouse over an element you do not understand and chances are good that you get help.
The functionality of the toolbar buttons are (from left to right in the order of their appearance):
In the next section, we explain how abstract programs are specified; afterward, we move to the specification of pre- and postconditions.
Control bar buttons
In progress.
The specification language is described in-depth in reference [2].
In progress.
In progress.
In progress.
REFINITY has been developed by Dominic Steinhöfel.